Version 0.4.0 - Yarn, Statue's, and nearing release!

Another week, another update, and another version closer to release. This version comes with a bunch of new content, of which most I can't say much without it being a spoiler! So, trust me, it's all in the game for a reason ;)

I also fixed a huge amount of interface bugs, and minor things that bugged mostly me and might not have been visible for everybody else. On top of that the iOS version is now also going into a beta phase, so I'm guessing 2-3 weeks from now this game should have a release!

The game might now move towards an early-access state for PC, as I'm not getting a huge amount of bugs mentioned through the beta stage, so the EA version can only help towards getting a more stable game! I'll look into the steps for that this week and possibly have it up and running at the end of the week, or next week.

For now, update and enjoy the new things. Still a few "big" features I want to add to the game, one is some sort of NPC's you can encounter, and the other is still adding a good ending either through an end-boss or something to do with the King-bosses currently in the game. Still thinking about that one.

New stuff:

- add Credits screen
- add: Show how many items of type we already have when buying something (merchant)
- add Water-devil for Water element (King Splash)
- add "game over" jingle
- add "intro animation" with gate-appearing at the start.. not a lot of story to tell here! Write your own story ;)
- add: dropping items near lake now makes them sink to the bottom (waste!)
- add: gave Carniplant some extra (secret) uses
- add: positive "jingle" for Altar giving you an item
- add: can now opt to play without choosing a backpack
- add: "silver"+"gold" backpacks icons (based on quest difficulty)
- add: backpacks now come with a shield by default (and gold backpacks include an ironsword)
- add: make Codex available through Settings menu
- add: extra (secret) way to deal with Slime monster
- add: new item - Cyclops eye
- add "skip" button to credits


- fix: trigger-items less-likely to spawn if already fetched crown from corresponding area
- fix: Searching statues/specials once, made buttons blink un-ended.
- fix: King-bosses now only spawn once in their special zone's (as end-boss). Can still spawn outside their zone as normal enemy!
- fix: "quest done" doesn't fit screen
- fix: Still had a camera when enemy fled the scene
- fix: if creature died, can still take a snapshot
- fix: heart-scroll doesn't work when struck by lightning
- fix: empty bottle near Lake shows "hold" instead of "fill"
- fix: disable camera when blind - codex+inventory version
- fix: heart-scroll now uses up X turns depending on how many lives need restoring
- fix: rare case where rats could block the gate, and then vanish without unlocking it
- fix: dropping food - dropped random items instead
- fix: quest-interface text offset when switching portrait/landscape/wide views
- fix: pause button overlaps with text (mobile) - move to bottom right?
- fix: debris only dropped food
- fix: touch to start on mobile wasn't responsive
- fix: Polaroids now working on both iOS and Android
- fix: move credits to pillar bottom
- fix: inventory size in Portrait mode was smaller than landscape mode


Sir Questionnaire - Windows 52 MB
Version 4 Apr 24, 2018
Sir Questionnaire - Linux 69 MB
Version 4 Apr 24, 2018
Sir Questionnaire - MacOS 57 MB
Version 4 Apr 24, 2018

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